Friday, March 24, 2006

Don't worry, be happy.

Quick doodle of my sister and her husband, well, my brother, Teo. I think I will do painting for this someday.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm back here.

I drew this on airplane remembering the girl I met at the airport.

There was a girl carrying backpack of bear when I was waiting my flight in Tokyo airport. so I was sketching her when she is running around her daddy. then her mom noticed I'm sketching her daughter, mom came to my place and she saw my sketchbook. Since my sketch was terrible, I was afraid to expose my crap, but both parents liked my sketch of their daughter. So I gave my sketch to them. I was really happy. We talked a little then they left. They said they are going back to France. I was always thinking about how I can progress/improve my art skill and eventually get a job. But I almost forgot why I'm doing that.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Red nose? or not.

lemme drop off my recent character creation before I leave to Japan for spring break (actually my sister's wedding).

I have been really busy by now, and probably I will. My animation class got a lot intersting. I'm really having fun with my teachers. Right now I'm doing animation of Gear Change, an event causing emotional change. When I'm tuckling with my ideas, I came up with some of cool ideas at that moment, but I decided to to gunman fighting shot.

All the time, my idea comes when I'm doodling, so I doodle a lot. yea it's crappy doodles but some of picture got my attention. then I will get idea to go for animation. I dropped here some of my progress of character development. I was thiking about his age and personality at that moment. but never thought *why* he is fighting and *who* he is fighting against (that's what my teachers pointed me out!)

Even tho my teacher didn't point me out, a lot of my friend noticed my character always got reddish nose and they asked me why. Well actually I don't know. it's because that's the way I paint. If it doesn't fit to the character, I have to change it, but I like the visual quality of reddish nose somehow.

Since my animation sucks, I have to re-block whole thing, so I won't have spring break even tho I will be in Japan for a week.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Yes, I'm busy.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Funniest workshop today.

love to go to Bill Sanchez' workshop all the time.
I tend to draw messy these days...