Thursday, January 12, 2006

Useful tools

Alright. It's been a while, I must admit. I was like movie crazy. I watched a lot of movies lately. I mean A LOT. Mainly classics that I missed. Since I'm such a shameful animator who just realized how important to learn a movie is lately, I have tons of movies to catch up. I really like "One flew over the cuckoo's nest".
Alright then, there is my new web site coming up soon with new animations, before then, I have some infomations about useful tools to introduce. Hope this helps some of you.

"Paint tool Sai"

After I did this drawing with this Japanese software, a lot of my friends asked me how I got that line quality with my small Wacom. Sai is Japanese painting software, which means you, almost every visitors in this blog, cannot use it without some struggles. But trust me on this, it's worth to try. This software was designed for Japanese comic artists who wants to draw as easy as possible in PC. This software interpolates your strokes so that your storkes won't vibrate anymore. This software even have vector mode for line editing, so that we can edit CP later to reshape the curve. We can change line weight, too. Thicker, thinner or whatever you want. Most importantly this software is still in development, what we can get right now is beta version of software which will be selling for future. I'm not sure if developper thinks of making English version of it. I guess he does.

"Google Reader"

I found this lately, since I'm checkig over 15 blogs and news, I always wanted to have smart way to check them all really quick and easy. But I don't like to have another software just for checking RSS. I was feeding some RSS in to my personalized Google homepage, but this new Google Reader seems really cool. Well, like anyone else, I'm kind of Google freak. There is a beauty in simplicity.

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